Manchester LGBT Sparkle Weekend 2019

Following on from LGBT Pride Month and our Eldora Manchester Pride Festival VIP Tickets Sweepstake; the 15th annual Sparkle Weekend will be alive and kicking once again in Manchester with events starting on Thursday 11th July, running through to Sunday 14th July. Read on to find out what Sparkle is, how it came about and what type of events you can expect over the weekend…
The LGBT Sparkle Weekend 2019
Initially a small gathering organised by the local trans community in Manchester, over the last fifteen years the Sparkle event has grown into the world's largest free-to-attend celebration of gender diversity.
Featuring entertainment from trans and non-binary artists and musicians, food, a licensed bar, market vendors, help and advice from support groups and LGBT+ organisations, and DJs and music playing throughout the day in to the evening; The Sparkle Weekend is open to the trans and non-binary community, their families, friends, and anyone who believes in trans equality and equal human rights. There’s The Sparkle Family Zone, The Sparkle Wellbeing Zone, even The Sparkle Ball - details of these events can be found on the Sparkle website.
Sparkle Weekend - Main Stage Contests
With contests for Miss Sparkle (18-54), Miss Golden Sparkle (55+) and Mr Sparkle (any age); we’re eager to help you put a look together that will make you stand out on the stage! An exciting, empowering event with a bit of fun thrown in; previous winners will be on the judging panel along with some Sparkle Patrons, Key Volunteers and Trustees.
Eldora False Lash Inspiration
We are creatives and strive to bring you a comprehensive range of beautiful, well-thought out, high-quality vegan false lashes; whether they’re for everyday use, special occasions or unique avant-garde looks.
Our selection of colour lashes are always popular with drag and performance artists as they’re dramatic, bold and can be seen from far away! Shop our favourite handmade lashes in ‘Our Top Lash Picks For Your Summer 2019 Festival Look’ blog.
If it’s a more toned-down look you’re after, maybe for later when you’re not on the stage, check out all of our products including Faux Mink vegan friendly eyelashes, Human Hair handmade lashes and Multi-Layered vegan friendly lashes… not forgetting Eldora Lash Adhesive of course!
For extra inspiration, why not check out our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest pages? With Pride this June, we showcased some colourful, creative and camp make-up looks!
Are you going to The LGBT Sparkle Weekend 2019 this July? We hope you have THE best time, and don't forget your Eldora vegan eyelashes!
If you're gutted because you already have plans, check out the different Sparkle events on Facebook.
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